Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Evolution of Technology: Instagram

Instagram was launched on July 16th, 2010, by two men in San Francisco, Kevin Systrom and Michael Krieger after receiving funding from Baseline Ventures, a private equity company. Krieger took to the app and posted the first-ever photo to the app; an image overlooking a marina landscape. Krieger then posted the second-ever photo to the app and it was a photo of Systrom working at his desk at their office in San Francisco. The two continue posting photos of their food and beverages, puppies, and at the movies watching the new film of that year, "Inception." The app was available on Apple iTunes IOS to download on October 6th, 2010 but was unavailable for Android devices until 2012. Facebook later purchased Instagram from Systrom and Krieger on April 12th, 2012, for $1 billion. 

Over the past decade, the app has had trends of photographing food, animals, art, fashion, and makeup. The platform now offers stories, IGTV, reels, lives, messaging, highlights, a professional dashboard, business tools, shopping, an explore page, and more advanced editing features. Instagram has transformed to be one of the top-used social media platforms in the world. The app currently has an estimated two billion users. 

The app allows users to create quick, easy content and this is a great way to connect with people as well as explore your interests! It is also highly customizable, therefore, there are an immense amount of markets to tap into. 

The advertising industry has never been the same since the introduction of Instagram. Brands are now able to directly promote their goods and services through the app to their consumers. The birth of a new generation of influencers has allowed brands to connect even more with their consumers. The influencer niche is its' own segment of the app and can be viewed as an ambassador program for a brand. Typically, influencers will promote products for a brand in exchange for money, free products, or experiences. This is a cheaper and more effective alternative to traditional marketing. 

Recently, the spread of false information has increasingly become an issue among social media platforms, particularly on Instagram. During political elections, the pandemic, and major international affairs; the spread of misinformation was at an all-time high. It is important to stick to news sources that you know are truthful and unbiased. 

Instagram has infamously been known to set unrealistic standards; especially regarding fitness, wealth, travel, and beauty. There is little to no transparency when it comes to editing photos, and many are guilty of heavily photoshopping their content. This is something that users of the app should improve on, to promote a more realistic version of themselves. 

Instagram has played a huge role in the evolution and development of communication technologies. It has allowed users to instantly post updates to share with other users across the globe. It has allowed brands to directly connect with consumers; establishing relationships for success. It has created a new generation of advertising through influencers. The app's legacy was a key element in the past decade and will continue to be a foundation for the upcoming decades. 

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