Thursday, February 9, 2023

Diffusion of Innovations: The iPhone

Diffusion of Innovations Theory: Case Studies and Discussion - Extension  Practice | Extension Practice

The Diffusion of Innovation Theory was developed by E.M. Rogers in 1962. It explains how an idea or product gains popularity and diffuses throughout society over time. This results in the adoption of a new idea or product as part of a social system; meaning that the person perceives this diffusion as innovative, therefore adopting it as part of their lives. A great example of this is the establishment and development of the cell phone within our society; specifically, the iPhone designed by Apple. This diffusion forever changed how we communicate. 

As the cell phone was integrated into our society over time, it has impacted our daily lives. The majority of people in society have a cell phone now, and even more specifically, an iPhone which has dominated the technology industry since its' first release in 2007. It had touchscreen capabilities but was priced higher than other competitors. Steve Jobs heavily emphasized the revolutionary technology of the iPhone, which could be a reason why it was adopted by early adopters and then followed by the early majority. 

The iPhone is the most popular phone model and brand. Today, it's even frowned upon if you do not have iPhone, and if you have an Android, you may want to refrain from sharing this with anyone to prevent being ridiculed. Before the iPhone's fame, the top manufacturers in the cell phone industry were Motorola and Nokia. Now, these brands are non-existent within the market. 

The widespread adoption of the iPhone embodies the diffusion of innovation. The spread and influence of ideas and information lead to the late majority eventually adopting the innovation. Though the iPhone wasn't adopted overnight, it was a breakthrough in the phone industry, proving to be a worldwide success. This high rate of adoption in a diverse network environment suggests that there is a low threshold, which is relevant to the speed and effectiveness of diffusion. 

iPhones revolutionized society, in the same way that Facebook changed social media and Amazon changed the business market's model. 

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